How To Become a Teacher?, looking for Teacher certification Online. You just need to have a bachelor’s degree in any field and you can enroll in our certification course. We offer you a self-paced and self-guided. We provide you with the study materials, you study and take practice tests to determine if you are ready for your two final exams. You can study at home, at your local library, or wherever is most comfortable for you.
Get your teaching certification online
If you enroll in our program, there are no classes or semesters to attend, this means you can enroll from any corner of the world and can become a teacher. We cover more than a dozen US states and even internationally certify candidates. All you need is to enroll in our program.
You can work while you are enrolled in our program, no need to leave your existing job to study
Can I work while I am enrolled? Of course! The main reason why students enroll with us rather than going back to school for their Master’s degree is the flexibility we offer. The program is self-paced, meaning you can study after work or on the weekends.
We offer you a Self Paced program
Candidates have 1 year to complete the program. The average student takes 7-10 months to earn their certification. However, we have had students complete the program in 2 months. It all depends on how much time you can devote to studying and learning the material. So it all depends on you how fast you complete the program and become a teacher.
Start Whenever You Want
You can enroll anytime you want. You have 1 year to complete the program after enrolling. This means if you enroll on Jan 01, 2020, you will have until Jan 01, 2021, to earn your certification without paying for an extension. As the program is self-paced, you get to choose when to begin the program. There is no class or semester to wait to begin studying.
Get certified in multiple subject areas
You can get certified to teach in more than one subject as we also provide additional endorsements at low costs. We provide a wide range of certification areas that are most demanded in the United States, we are state-approved in more than a dozen states.
Free Trial of the program
We also have a one-week free trial we offer to interested candidates. The free trial will give you access to all materials related to your exams and offer you a chance to look at how the self-pace, self-study options work. It provides an excellent overview of the program without any obligation to enroll
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