The average teacher's salary in Indiana for teaching at a public school is $ 58,069 as in 2021 statistics. In village areas they would get something like $47635 which is obviously less than that of public schools.
If you were to compare this with Asian countries like China where the average pay for international schools in the country ranges from 2500 USD to 4700 USD; you can count yourself lucky.
Most of us aspire to Become a Teacher Indiana because of its high pay scale. That said, those who have already earned this opportunity would like to increase their income and upgrade themselves.
Let's Explore how a teacher can increase their income in Indiana:
Teacher funding: Firstly, the good news is that the Indiana legislature has made a move to increase funding for teachers by 45% of state funds. The starting salary has increased from $38492 to $40000, according to 2021 statistics, for public schools.
Upgrading Educational degree: It is very important to have the required education for becoming a teacher and increasing your income, here. Other than a bachelor's degree an Online Teacher Certification Indiana or the same from a state university is required.
List of online accredited Indiana universities are:
Ball State
Marian University
American college of education
Indiana Wesleyan university
Purdue University
Olivet Nazarene University
After completing the teachers program, the aspirant was required to take the CASA or core academic skills assessment test to prove oneself. Now this is not required except for in a few institutions.
Getting beginners practitioner license: This license is valid for two years and one is required to complete a CPR, bachelors degree, and teachers training program as well as suicide prevention training.
Earning experienced practitioner license: One needs to complete two years of initial teaching stages to be an experienced licence holder. An IMAP or Indiana mentorship assessment program is valued to get this five year valid license.
Or the other way to prove one's mettle is to contribute towards upgrading the school, helping in implementation of strategies, attending meetings and seminars. This is called the Professional growth plan or PGP.
The above actions will directly lead to increase in income. These are required strategies to upgrade yourself and thus your income. The right degrees, experiences, licenses and exposure will all lead to the dollars rolling in.
All said and done, each individual processes available information in their own way. The determination to be an achiever, smartly climbing up the ladder is the key to success.
This is an overview of how to increase your income as a teacher in Indiana. “Read more” to get detailed information and latest news on this topic.
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